Tuesday 1 July 2008

"NO leaving behind" - theme

As for the theme day "NO-signs" here is my version. Dogs and humans both eat at home, just on different ground levels, but the real difference between these two beings in our modern world is where they "relieve". Dogs do it always outside the house (at least the ones with good manners), humans normally use the toilet. In Riga there is a public law, that master of the dog has to clean up after his pet, you know what. Only the homeless dogs are free to do their nasty thing wherever they like, without cleaning it up. So in the park named Ziedondarzs I found these green buckets with the sign. Do not know, if the bullshit fits in there as well.


Jane Hards Photography said...

That was one of the most intereting reads on the the sign theme.

Ming the Merciless said...

Same in NYC. If the owner was caught for not picking up after their dogs, they can be fine $200.


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