- I can see some purple colours. It's a vision of a future I feel I can trust.
A little more about cobble stones. Here's a good example of well leveled street. The camera is at it's lowest point to show you that Hummer really is not the only one to handle this street with no trouble, believe me, it is very OK for a motorbike as well, I just tried it myself. The rest of the picture is to show you one of the ordinary, still very lovely looking houses in the centre of Riga. Many of them are the Art Nouveau (Jugendstil) buildings I find attractive especially at night.
Nice photo. Love the lights in the scene. What shutter speed did you use?
To: Ming_the_merciless
And F8 @ ISO100, if you ask. :)
I appreciate the effects. More Art Nouveau,please. What bike do you have? One with good suspension!
To: Julia
Street bike.
What do you mean by "good suspension"?
This is a very nice photograph and I have no idea how you got down to low. If I ever get down that low then I have laid down and would have trouble getting back on my feet again.
I didn't do much today but...
I did write about how people used to wear long underwear over winter or until we began to stink. You can find the link at the bottom of the post today.
Brookville Daily Photo
To: Oldmanlincoln
I did not have to lay down, I just put the camera on the ground and flipped up the screen to compose the photo. Of course I had to hold it still while pressing the shutter (without tripod obviously) :)
I don't know a lot about bikes,just joking, perhaps it is good to have a soft 'ride'& nice springs when the road is cobbled or when you have one or two heavy persons riding.
To: Julia
OK, my bike's suspension is quite stiff, it is good for sporty driving, and still it was bearable to cope with those flat cobble stones.
The lighting really shows off the architecture. Good shot and information.
When I was a child all of the streets were cobbled, and the cobbles were only half of the size that we see here. We still managed to run about and play football on them!
South Shields Daily Photo
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