Monday, 21 May 2007

They all sat down..

This is an evening in Riga Dome Square with people having beer or whatever. The Dome church in the background is 800 years old and it wasn't built in one go. What you can see is a result of interactive process over centuries and haven't seen significant changes in its shape only over last 200 years.


Anonymous said...

The photo is great when enlarged ... It is interesting to see how many churches are the result of centuries of construction. Today we seem to only build to today. It is hard to imagine a long term commitment which surpasses multiple life times.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

discovered this blog through DP...and am glad i did...this is one part of the world i 've never been to and will love to get to know better ...:)

Great blog, all along :)

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Fortunately things didn't change so much lately: it's fantastic !!!

isa said...

Great meeting place!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

What an elegant looking place!

photowannabe said...

The square looks like a wonderful place to spend some time. I love the stately church in the background.

pusa said...

looks like a great party is happening in there! and what a beautiful church

Nathalie H.D. said...

Wonderful, makes you want to be part of it. They have the Night of the Museums in France too, which is great, but not in Australia (sad) !

di.di said...

kewl... i think that's what happened with La Sagrada Familia @ barcelona... 800 years? what really happened dude? wondering what caused the delay .

Anonymous said...

gorgeous setting for a drink, Good night shot!

julia said...

A beer fest - best when the weather has warmed up I suppose.More of the city please, very interesting area.

inspired said...

thank you for the background history of the church.. another fine shot

Carlos Lorenzo said...

It seems like the perfect place to relax and sit for a beer enjoying the company of such historic beauty.

Chandlermom said...

My kind of evening - looks just lovely


Beautiful! Kind of similar to the main squares here in Poland. Something that is sorely missing in England!

Nivio de Souza said...

good picts


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